Clara Background

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Business Relationship...

A few years ago, a very wise woman in our ward by the name of Kaci, was giving a talk on the marriage relationship that will forever remain in my memory.

Kaci said that every once in a while her and her husband find themselves in a "business relationship." She said that the business relationship is when, there is nothing wrong with the relationship, everything that needs to get done is getting done, (i.e. dinners are made, house is clean, lawns are mowed, shopping is done, kids are bathed, homework is done, callings have been taken care of, laundry is folded, carpools are completed, bills are paid, etc.), but the relationship becomes all business, "i'll do this, and you do that."

The list could go on and on, and the list is different for each household, but each household has these types of list. Kaci said, "it is at these times when her and her husband need to step out of their "business relationship" and appreciate why they fell in love in the first place."

Recently the business relationship made its way into our home, such an easy thing to happen when life is so busy. Friday morning Scott and I had a spontaneous conversation on this very subject. I appreciated the fact that we could talk about it, and then we both were off to work, back to business!!

When I got home from work on Friday, I found this most wonderful surprise in the front room, a token of non-business love!

It didn't stop in the front room, the token of non-business love moved to the family room as well!

A reminder of love was also given to me in the kitchen!

And...last but not least, our bedroom!

I'm so grateful for my husband, what a special surprise this was that made me feel warm and loved all over! He truly is my best friend, one that I can work through the "business" transactions of life with, and also one who I can love and adore for all of his goodness!

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times...Always with the same person!

Thank you honey - I love you!


  1. My gosh...what a romantic post and what a romantic hubby! I love you both!!

  2. Aw, I can't believe you remember that:) How sweet of him.

  3. LOVE this. So sweet and thoughtful!

  4. LOVE! Thank you for being such wonderful examples!
