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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Senior Boy / Junior Prom

Chase and a girl from our ward Alanna went to Junior Prom together. I always love dances, it is so fun to have the kids pose in all these traditional poses. Aren't they cute!

I love Alanna's dress!

This is the full group shot of all the kids that went together, Todd, Lorena, Alanna and Chase.

They actually ate dinner at our house that night, (forgot to take pictures, boo!) We set up a intimate little table setting in our front room, it was decorated in red, black and white to represent Bella Vista colors. It really did look beautiful and I think the girls really thought it was special.

Scott was their waiter and they had:

First Course: Salad with a homemade vinaigrette that was SOOO Good!
Second Course: BBQ Pork Loin, Prom Potatoes (really they were funeral potatoes, but we had to rename them for the event), Asparagus and Rolls
Dessert Course: Their choice of: Double Chocolate Cheesecake, Dule De Leche Cheesecake, Raspberry White Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake!

I think the kids had a great time, and I know that Scott and I had fun. Scott would serve them there course and then we were in the kitchen and we'd eat that some course. We were having our own little date night, while the kids were having theirs! Fun, fun, fun!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are WAY too nice! Can I come and play pretend prom??????
